We continue our meditation on the passage in Luke 16, where Jesus spoke about the eternal state of two individuals, a rich man and a man named Lazarus, and where they ended up after death. The rich man was surprised to find himself in Hell. This raises the question: Is it a sin to be wealthy? And does a poor person go to heaven simply because they are poor? If not, then what sin condemned the rich man to Hell?
There are many sins that the rich man may have committed, but his primary sin was being inwardly content without God. His life was one of no need, focused solely on pleasure and comfort. It’s possible that he never noticed or cared about Lazarus, which would have deepened his condemnation. He had the ability to help Lazarus, yet he chose to leave him to suffer and die. He seemed to believe it was expected for Lazarus to wallow in pain while he lived in luxury. He looked at a fellow man, hungry and in pain, and did nothing. Lazarus was discontent on Earth without God and sought Him out in his need, finding Him merciful and gracious. The name Lazarus means "God is my help." The rich man felt no need at all.
Throughout our lives on Earth, God offers us chances to answer His call and find the way to His home. Finding Christ and receiving the gift of eternal life is the universal need of every individual. After we pass away, God will respect the choices we've made in life. If we choose to live without God on Earth, He will honor our wishes for eternity. If you go through life without considering God or eternity, reach out to Him now while you can still experience His grace. Why wait another second? Undoubtedly, your spiritual enemy, the devil, will try to convince you to delay this message for another day, but Christ awaits you with open arms.
When the rich man found out that his position was fixed for eternity and that no one could come to help him, he replied to Abraham:
27"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, 28for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.' 29"Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' 30"'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.' 31"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead' (Luke 16:27-31).
Why was the former wealthy man so concerned about his brothers still on Earth? He prayed twice while in Hell. The first prayer was for water; the second was for his brothers on Earth. Both prayers were denied. He had been unfaithful in caring for those around him, especially his brothers. He set an example of the most corrupting thing on Earth—the example of a man content without God. Now that he was in Hell, he recalled that his brothers were living according to the model he had given them, namely, a contented life without God. As we have stated elsewhere, each of us influences others for better or worse. Let us commit ourselves to being faithful to those who model their lives after us: our brothers, our sisters, our sons, daughters, and close relatives. We must live wholeheartedly for Christ. Other lives depend on it.
On what grounds were the rich man's brothers denied a messenger? The former rich man was informed they had the Word of God (at that time, they possessed the writings of Moses and the prophets). The Scriptures provided all the witnesses they needed. God's written Word is the most crucial evidence one can evaluate to prepare for eternal life, evidence that is disregarded at significant risk to one's eternal fate beyond the grave.
What are the key takeaways from this passage in Luke 16?
1)Â Â Â The first lesson is that the time to seek the Lord is now and not put it off.
2)Â Â Â Secondly, there are consequences to our actions that are not always felt on Earth but follow us into eternity.
3)Â Â Â The third lesson from this passage is that we influence others more than we realize on Earth.
4)Â Â Â Fourth, God's Word is the most critical evidence to prepare us for eternal life.
5)Â Â Â No matter our economic position in this world, if we don't have Christ, we don't have life as God intended (1 John 5:12). Keith Thomas
Taken from the series Insights into Eternity. Click on study 4 or this link: The Truth About Hell.
YouTube video teachings at: https://www.youtube.com/@keiththomas7/videos