In our daily meditations, we continue to look at the theme of Jesus being our Good Shepherd: The Lord is intimately acquainted with us and knows us inside out. Jesus said, “I know my sheep, and my sheep know me” (John 10:14). Theologians have a big word for this ability of God to know everything about us; they say that God is omniscient. He knows all things at all times. There is nothing God does not know. He never had to learn it; He didn't have to read up on the day’s happenings. He is not surprised by anything. The Lord Jesus, God in the flesh, has the same perfect knowledge and complete understanding of everything. Perfect knowledge is the accurate possession of the facts. Perfect wisdom is the proper application of the facts, and perfect understanding means He fully perceives and interprets the facts. Omniscience makes God infallible; He is incapable of error or omission (Psalm 139:1-10). How beautiful to know that He still loves and cares for us even though He knows everything about us. He, indeed, is the Good Shepherd—the lovely One!
God enacted His plan to bring the Gospel to all humanity by calling Jewish people first, and then in Acts chapter ten, calling the Gentiles into obedience to the Gospel, too. The promise came to Abraham that "all families on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). Jesus said:
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd (John 10:16).
The "other" sheep Jesus refers to are the Gentiles, the sheep not of the same "sheep pen" of Hebrew origin. The promised seed of Abraham, the Lord Jesus Christ, will make Jew and Gentile into one flock of sheep and one Shepherd. This prophecy does not mean that God forsook the original flock. He said that there would be one flock with one Shepherd. All believers will become one flock, Jew and Gentile together, and we will all be caught up to the Lord together, not seven years apart as some suggest. The Messiah voluntarily laid His life down for His sheep so they might receive forgiveness of sins and newness of life. Satan is culpable or guilty for what he did at the cross, but it was God's plan from the beginning of the world.
I heard a story that Doctor Donald Grey Barnhouse once shared some time ago. It was about a man who had a beautiful estate upon which were some magnificent trees in which this man took great pride. His custom was to walk among the trees and gaze upon their beauty. This man had an enemy who hated him sorely and was always seeking ways of annoying the master of the estate. At last, the enemy conceived a plan, thinking it would greatly wound the proprietor's heart. He decided to go to the estate in the dark of the night and cut down one of the most beautiful trees. He laid his plans well. He took with him an ax and saw, and he began his work. All night he toiled until his muscles were sore and his hands blistered.
As morning dawned, he saw the proprietor riding with a companion toward the trees where he had been toiling. He redoubled his efforts, and with all he could, he worked as diligently as possible, and the great tree began to creak and totter. As it gained momentum in the fall, the enemy started to shout in triumph. One of the branches, however, came down on him, pinning him to the ground in agony. His hatred, however, was intense, and he jeered at the proprietor who approached him. The estate owner called his companion to him and said to the enemy, "You thought to do me great harm, but I want to show you what you have done. This man with me is the architect of a beautiful home I intend to build here amid these trees. It was necessary to cut down one of the trees to make room for the house. Look at this plan. The tree upon which you have toiled all night, and now the cause of your death is the tree that needed cutting down to make room for my house. You have worked for me without knowing it, and your toil is for nothing, and bitterness is your food in death."
Satan thought he was clever by crucifying God's Son, the Lord Jesus. His effort, though, was foreseen and foreordained by God to bring many sons to glory (Hebrews 2:10). Jew and Gentile believers will sparkle like jewels to the Lord one day before our Shepherd:
The LORD, their God, will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown (Zechariah 9:16).
Keith Thomas
Shortened from the more extended study at the following link: Jesus, the Good Shepherd